- 过夜住宅/住宿(酒店、汽车旅馆、床和早餐店、度假出租屋、房车和露营地、度假村、小木屋等)
- 香烟、电子烟
- 大多数饮料罐和饮料瓶的可退还押金
- 个人所得税
- 企业消费税(汽油、酒精等)
只要年满 21 岁,就可以拥有、使用和购买娱乐用大麻。如果年龄小于 21 岁,则属于非法。无论是在公共场合还是私下,您持有娱乐用大麻的数量都有限制。在大麻影响下驾驶仍然是非法的。请负起责任。21 岁及以上的成年人可以在家中或私人场所使用娱乐用大麻。您不能在公共场所使用娱乐性大麻。您不能将大麻带入或带出本州,甚至带往大麻合法的其他州。
大多数乡村公路的时速为 55 英里,大多数州际公路的卡车时速为 55 英里。
时速 65 英里 - 大部分州际公路上的乘用车、轻型卡车、房车和轻型商用车辆。
俄勒冈州 84 号州际公路西段的汽车限速为 70 英里/小时,卡车限速为 65 英里/小时。84 号州际公路和 82 号州际公路是俄勒冈州唯一的州际高速公路,小汽车限速 70 英里/小时,卡车限速 65 英里/小时。
In 20 counties, self-serve gas is allowed at all hours. These counties include Baker, Clatsop, Crook, Curry, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Hood River, Jefferson, Klamath, Lake, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Tillamook, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco, and Wheeler.
In 16 counties, gas stations can have no more than 50% of fuel pumps available for self-serve gas. These counties include Benton, Clackamas, Columbia, Coos, Deschutes, Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Washington, and Yamhill. Self-serve is an option for these stations, not a requirement. Some stations may elect not to offer self-serve. For those that do, the following requirements must be met:
- Stations must have attended service at the other 50% of their gas pumps.
- Signs must be posted that identify the self-serve and attended-service gas pumps.
- Self-serve can only be allowed during the hours an attendant is available.
- The price is the same for both self-serve and attended service.
Where do I park in Downtown?
The Downtown Parking District offers 3,500 free customer parking spaces, either in Parkades (parking garages), or on the street, although on Saturday parking may be difficult to find during the business day. On Sunday, many of the businesses are closed, therefore, more parking is available for Downtown visitors.
The Marion Street Parkade is located at the corner of Marion Street and Liberty Street. This Parkade is the furthest away from the core of the downtown area, however is a short walk away.
A map location of the Marion Parkade can be found here.
350 Marion St NE, Salem, OR 97301
The Chemeketa Parkade is located right in the heart of Downtown Salem between Court and Chemeketa Street.
A map location of the Chemeketa Parkade can be found here.
300 Chemeketa St NE, Salem, OR 97301
The Liberty Square Parkade has limited public parking, and some tight parking spaces. It is located next to The Grand Hotel and also right in the heart of downtown.
A map location of the Liberty Parkade can be found here.
365 Ferry St SE, Salem, OR 97301
如需咨询此处未涉及的其他问题,请发送电子邮件至info@travelsalem.com,或致电 503-581-4325。